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Possibilities For 2020 Untitled Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies

ByCorey belyk. writer at Creators.co I'm attempting to get into the film and television world and I am a big fan of the MCU and the upcoming DCEU

I've done predictions before on what may appear in Phase 4 and 5; back in October, Marvel Studios announced 3 dates in 2020 for the next 3 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) after Inhumans in July 2019. Back in October 2014, before I was on Moviepilot, I knew about the mystery release dates that Marvel had set between 2017-2019, and I was determining which 4 they could set there, like everyone else was. They had chosen Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, Captain Marvel. and Inhumans, which were all on the list. Now there are 3 untitleds to guess at, and through my perspective, there are 11 different choices to pick from. These choices are spread between 5 different groups that I have arranged below. They are as follows:

Group 1: 3 Stand-alones that HAVE been talked about

1. Black Widow

There are 3 stand-alone films that have been getting the most talk. There has been a lot of protest and backlash on why Scarlett Johansson has not yet been given the chance to star in her very own Black Widow movie. I agree, I also would like to see Widow in her own feature length film, and I think she'll get one. I believe there was always a plan to make a BW movie, they were probably wondering if it should be set for Phase 3 or Phase 4. In the end, they probably went with phase 4.

2. The Runaways

They have also been trying to put together another unknown team called The Runaways. They said a script was being put together and that the earliest it could come out was Phase 3. But they decide on other properties so the film was shelved for now.

3. Blade (Reboot)

Recently, actor Wesley Snipes spoke that he was in negotiations to reprise his Marvel vampire role of Blade. Another rumor suggested that they were rebooted the franchise with Blade's daughter in the lead role, which is possible if introduced right.

Group 2: 3 sequels that could happen and have appropriate time-span between installments

1. Doctor Strange 2

Next group focuses on 3 movie sequels that could happen because of popularity and proper length between previous installments (Black Panther 2, Captain Marvel 2, Inhumans 2, Ant-man 3, and Avengers 4 don't count because 2020 too close to previous release dates). Therefore, 5 movies have the proper time-span to have a sequel ready for 2020, in which 3 have been talked about. The first being a sequel to the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange. This is also a good movie to introduce Blade in if they want to do a reboot with his daughter.

2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

The second choice is a third installment to the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. James Gunn. the writer and director of the first 2 movies, stated that he was also working on "the third one" as well.

3. Spider-man 2

And because of a deal with Sony to try and release a Spider-man movie for each of Peter Parker's high school years, they better get crackin' and 2020 is a good time for a sequel.

Group 3: 2 sequels that have been talked about but have been constantly denied

1. Iron Man 4

These 2 are the ones that the comments are gonna be like "NO NO NO!" "Stop thinking they're gonna happen you stupid twat!" If they were talked about, I'll put them in the list, even if they're very unlikely. Iron Man 4 has gotten a lot of yields because of mostly issues with the lead actor, Robert Downey Jr. His cost has grown exponentially and Marvel may just re-cast him for the 4th film.

2. The Incredible Hulk 2

Currently the movie with the longest sequel drought in the MCU is The Incredible Hulk, with the original film out in 2008, and that many people including the new lead actor, Mark Ruffalo. have stated the film is "a way off".

Group 4: 2 sequels that could happen because of time-span but have not been talked about recently

1. Captain America 4

There is also the possibility that sequels that have not been talked about could also be ready for 2020. In the television special "Marvel's Captain America: 75 Heroic Years". someone stated that even though Captain America: Civil War was the closing act to the CA trilogy, it was stated that they were already working on an idea for the 4th installment. 3 possible story-lines they could use would be "Madbomb", "Sleepers", and "Serpent Society".

Another installment in the Thor franchise seems imminent. We had Loki for one, Malekith for two, and it looks like it's going to be Hela for three. They could still do a big story involving Surtur the Fire Demon .

Group 5: A new stand-alone that has not been talked about

That's 10 in total, where as the 11th is just a wildcard and could be any new character the studio chooses to do a film about (Nova, She-Hulk, Devil Dinosaur, Namor, Defenders, Daredevil, Punisher, Ghost Rider. etc.)

So the choices I believe are set. Which ones do I think will hit 2020; if I had to take a guess, I would pick any 3 from the first 2 groups: particularly Black Widow, Guardians 3, and Strange 2 (Blade guest star). I doubt we won't know any details or reveals until San Diego Comic-Con or the annual Marvel event in October, or might not get any answers until late 2017!

Which movies would you like to see in 2020?