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L'Enfer d'Henri-Georges Clouzot regarder en ligne regarder en ligne 2160p

L'Enfer d'Henri-georges Clouzot

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

Failed films make dynamic documentary subjects. "The Epic That Never Was" brilliantly detailed why the Charles Laughton "I, Claudius" never materialized, and "Lost in La Mancha" did the same for Terry Gilliam's "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote." Now you can add another film to that exceptional list: " Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno." Clouzot was one of midcentury France's great directors, with successes like "Le Corbeau," "Quai des Orfevres," "The Wages of Fear" and "Diabolique." His "Inferno," which began shooting in 1964 starring Romy Schneider and Serge Reggiani, was supposed to be his masterpiece, a film that was going to change the face of cinema. »

di Anthony Lane The New Yorker

Halfway through dinner, in “The Kids Are All Right,†Nic finds out that she has been betrayed. Without warning, other people’s talk dies away, to be replaced by a strange churning sound, like an underwater helicopter. The sensory world is warped by the force of her feelings. Take that deformation, multiply it a hundredfold, and you approach the eruptive mania that consumes the hero of “Inferno,†Henri-Georges Clouzot’s film—or remarkable stab at a film—from 1964. Marcel (Serge Reggiani) runs a lakeside hotel in France with his wife, Odette (Romy Schneider), although his true occupation is jealousy. »